V K Singh lauds Dawoodi Bohra community’s role in ‘Operation Rahat’

General V K Singh today said these "silent workers" did a tremendous job but have not been adequately recognised for their work. Read more at: http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/articleshow/49285088.cms?utm_source=contentofinterest&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=cppst
General V K Singh today said these “silent workers” did a tremendous job but have not been adequately recognised for their work.

Hailing Dawoodi Bohra community’s role in the evacuation of Indians from Yemen during ‘Operation Rahat’, Minister of State for External Affairs General V K Singh today said these “silent workers” did a tremendous job but have not been adequately recognised for their work.

“For evacuating Indians, not only did we get great amount of help from Yemeni authorities who were willing to come to the airport while it was otherwise barren, we also had the Indian Bohra community which provided us volunteers and assisted us in gathering people to come to us,” Singh said.

“These silent workers did a tremendous job and I think nobody seems to have recognised the type of role this little community played out there in ensuring that people could come to the airport, could be ferried to the airport. Word would be passed around to them that aircraft will start landing at so and so time so we want you to come early,” he said.

“They were also ensuring that immigration authorities worked there and assisted us,” the former Army Chief said.

V K Singh lauds Dawoodi Bohra community’s role in ‘Operation Rahat’ (Economic Times)